⚠️The 0.13 release refactored our HTML, so double-check your custom CSS rules!⚠️

Connect your book to a code repository#

There are many ways that you can connect your book’s content back to the source files in a public repository. Below we cover a few options.

Add source repository buttons#

There is a collection of buttons that you can use to link back to your source repository. This lets users browse the repository or take actions like suggesting an edit or opening an issue. In each case, they require the following configuration to be set:

  url: https://github.com/{your-book-url}

Add a button to open issues#

To add a button to open an issue about the current page, use the following configuration:

  url: https://github.com/{your-book-url}
  use_issues_button: true

Add a button to suggest edits#

You can add a button to each page that will allow users to edit the page text directly and submit a pull request to update the documentation. To include this button, use the following configuration:

  url: https://github.com/{your-book-url}
  path_to_book: path/to/your/book  # An optional path to your book, defaults to repo root
  branch: yourbranch  # An optional branch, defaults to `master`
  use_edit_page_button: true