Build and publish outputs#
These sections cover aspects of building and publishing your book - that is, generating output artifacts using your book pages.
You can generate a variety of build outputs, such as HTML outputs and PDF outputs via either Latex or HTML. These outputs can be published and shared with others in a variety of ways, which we describe in this section as well.
Generate a badge for your book#
You can generate a badge like this so that others know your repository and content files are built for Jupyter Book. Here’s what the badge looks like (only visible on HTML):
To generate the badge, copy the code block below, and replace <YOUR URL HERE>
with the URL of your choice.
[![Jupyter Book Badge](](<YOUR URL HERE>)
Additionally, you can generate a badge directly from Here’s the URL to auto-generate the badge above, using a base64-encoded version of the Jupyter Book logo. Feel free to modify this as you wish! badge link